The room had no window, which I can't imagine is legal, no chair (not that there would be space for one), not even a water glass in the bathroom area (not a separate room). I had to hook the door to the hanger with my belt to let some air in. Room cleanup is not included in your stay, though I'm not sure if it would have mattered as there was hair everywhere and the floor was sticky when I checked in. The room is just one bed with an attached shower and toilet, there is not enough space to let your legs down the side of the bed, unless it's the part near the lower end that's adjacent to the door.
Good practice if you're looking at jail time and plan to frequent solitary and a good reminder to never let anyone else book a hotel for you.
Only saving grace is the proximity to the train station and city center, but do not expect any help from staff regardning navigation and travel.